söndag 1 mars 2015

Linux - trying to login on firefox addon Pastebin linux mint 14 firefox 36.0

Firefox Extension
With this Firefox Add-on you are able to create new pastes directly from your browser. A recommended add-on for all Pastebin users who use Firefox.
Version Download API Version Developer
3.0 DOWNLOAD 3.0 Prafulla Kiran

cap above this is my gem projekt

Data hosted with ♥ by Pastebin.com - Download Raw - See Original
  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. clear
  4. -(-Vem Är du-)------------------------------------------
  6. function findUser() {
  7.  thisPID=$$
  8.  origUser=$(whoami)
  9.  thisUser=$origUser
  11.  while ( "$thisUser" = "$origUser" )
  12.  do
  13.   ARR=($(ps h -p$thisPID -ouser,ppid;))
  14.   thisUser="${ARR(0)}"
  15.   myPPid="${ARR(1)}"
  16.   thisPID=$myPPid
  17.  done
  19.  getent passwd "$thisUser" | cut -d: -f1
  20. }
  21. user=$(findUser)
  22. echo "logged in: $user"
  23. -----(-Vem Är du-)-
  24. # Start of adding PPA  
  25. # Lägger till ppa för få ruby mysql att fungera
  26. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  28.   the_ppa01="deb http://host/debian distribution system develompment utilities"
  29.   the_ppa02="deb-src http://host/debian distribution system develompment utilities"
  30.   the_ppa03="deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free"
  31.   the_ppa04="deb-src http://http.us.debian.org/debian stable main"
  33. if ! grep -q "$the_ppa01" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/-; then
  34.  # commands to add the ppa ...
  35. echo "ppa not found, adding:"
  36.  sudo sh -c "echo $the_ppa01 >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
  37. fi
  39. if ! grep -q "$the_ppa02" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/-; then
  40.  # commands to add the ppa ...
  41. echo "ppa not found, adding:"
  42.  sudo sh -c "echo $the_ppa02 >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
  43. fi
  45. if ! grep -q "$the_ppa03" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/-; then
  46.  # commands to add the ppa ...
  47. echo "ppa not found, adding:"
  48.  sudo sh -c "echo $the_ppa03 >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
  49. fi
  51. if ! grep -q "$the_ppa04" /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/-; then
  52.  # commands to add the ppa ...
  53. echo "ppa not found, adding:"
  54.  sudo sh -c "echo $the_ppa04 >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
  55. fi
  57. #(Update)---------------
  58. sudo apt-get update
  59. #End of adding PPA
  61. #==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  62. # RVM INSTALL (exempel 3) - Sucess!  v1.26.10 latest
  63. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  64. echo "installing ruby stable"
  65. curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby  
  66. #
  67. #  If you want to maybe jump back to your system
  68. #  installed Ruby which might be Ruby 1.8.6
  69. #  you can run the following command:
  70. #  > rvm use system
  71. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  73. #==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  74. # rvm is found here!  (If you Used Exempel 3)
  75. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  76. #  /usr/local/rvm/
  77. #
  78. #  Pastebin and the other is found here!
  79. #
  80. #  /usr/local/bin/
  81. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  83. #=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  84. # - ERROR!---NOW!-ALL-SHIT!-Is-Installed--
  85. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  86. # rvm installed but lvm command dont work! - Error
  87. #  
  88. #  rvm: kommandot hittades inte  
  89. #  
  90. # > /usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm  <-- this the file, ok!
  91. #  
  92. #Dont paste the >  
  94. #=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  95. #- Lets! make a alias by hand!
  96. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==
  97. #  
  98. # 1. make a file in your home named
  99. # .bash_aliases
  100. #  
  101. # 2. add the line:
  102. # alias rvm="/usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm"
  103. #  
  104. # 3. Reboot or refresh .bash_aliases
  105. #  . /home/user/.bash_aliases
  106. #  dit it work?
  107. #  Najs!..  
  108. #  
  109. # 4. not working, run in your terminal:
  110. # sudo reboot
  111. #                        
  112. # 5. make it to a alias to (user is your username!)
  113. # add the line:
  114. # alias updatealias=". ~/.bash_aliases"
  115. #  
  116. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  117. #  (-WHY NOT!-)-Lets use a bash script! -
  118. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  119. # To much work or to less work! We dont have t
  120. # write a little program that does write a the new
  121. # alias if it not alredy exist to the file .bash_aliases!  
  122. #
  123.  touch /home/$user/.bash_aliases  
  124.  printf "alias pastebin='/usr/local/bin/pastebin -l bash -e 10M -f '\n" >> ~/.bash_aliases  
  125.  printf "alias hpastebin='/usr/local/bin/pastebin -l bash -f '\n" >> ~/.bash_aliases  
  126.  printf "alias rvm='/usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm'\n" >> ~/.bash_aliases
  127. . ~/.bash_aliases
  129. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  130. #- Pastebin -  -  (exempel)
  131. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  132. #pastebin -f /home/username/Dokument/file.sh -l bash -e 10M
  133. #
  134. # remove -e 10M if you dont want your file to expire
  135. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"
  137. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  138. #- better  to install ruby 2.0 use not this (If you are smart READ @ end first.-
  139. #- use exempel 3 not this crap! ) <--- tHIS did not work 4 me-
  140. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  141. #sudo apt-get -y update
  142. #sudo apt-get -y install build-essential zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libreadline6-dev libyaml-dev
  143. #cd /tmp
  144. #wget http://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/2.0/ruby-2.0.0-p481.tar.gz
  145. #tar -xvzf ruby-2.0.0-p481.tar.gz
  146. #cd ruby-2.0.0-p481/
  147. #./configure --prefix=/usr/local
  148. #make
  149. #sudo make install
  151. #---------------
  152. #- curl is needed -
  153. #------------------
  154. #bash -s stable < <(curl -s https://raw.github.com/wayneeseguin/rvm/master/binscripts/rvm-installer)
  155. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  156. #- Other way to install ruby that i found / BUT! use exemepel 3 i always do. (Exempel 2)  -
  157. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  158. # :> sudo gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
  159. # \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
  160. #
  161. # Dont paste the >  
  162. #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  163. echo "hi $user"
  164. #some deb files
  165. apt-get install mysql-client mysql-server libmysql-ruby client-dev git curl automake libxml2-dev libxslt-dev autoconf openssl libreadline6 zlib1g subversion -y
  166. apt-get install libsqlite3-0 libsqlite3-dev sqlite3  libc6-dev ncurses-dev libtool bison build-essential zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libreadline6-dev libyaml-dev -y
  167. apt-get install debhelper fakeroot ruby-dev
  168. #Install RVM with Ruby and Ruby on Rails with all required libraries:
  169. echo "installing ruby stable"
  170. curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby  
  171. #installing rails
  172. echo "intalling rails"
  173. \curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --rails
  174. #activate auto deps 4 rvm
  175. echo "activate auto depends 4 rvm"
  176. sudo /usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm autolibs packages
  177. sudo /usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm autolibs homebrew
  178. #install head
  179. rvm install 2.0.0
  180. rvm | head -1
  181. rvm list known
  182. ruby -v  
  183. rvm use --default 2.0.0
  184. rvm 2.0.0 do gem install mysql
  186. gem install rdoc-data; rdoc-data --install
  187. gem install curl bundler mustache rdiscount ronn rspec builder git github_api highline nokogiri rake rdoc jeweler pastebin hpricot
  188. gem install rake-debian-build buildrdeb pry-debundle pry codebutler coderay sinatra rubygems-update rails bundler
  189. gem install debsfromrepos cucumber rapec make-rubygem-debs fpm gem2deb ruby-debiandebianize json rest-client slop debstep DebianPackageDownloader hoe
  190. gem install deb-fog fog thor dpkg-deb debugher addressable robots debot capistrano capistrano-ext quick-debug cache_debugging rails sqlite3 adressable
  191. gem install albanpeignier-rake-debian-build ruby-deb ar deb_control debeasy libarchive ruby-filemagic deblank
  192. gem install rubygems-mygems rubygems_dump rubygems-localproxy rubygems-deep_fetch rubygems_snapshot rubygems-bundler tf bundler-unload executable-hooks
  193. gem install rubygems-code_finder faraday multi_json octokitbundler webmock octokit sawyer ctags-bundler mpapis-bundler assetbundler asset_bundler
  194. gem install onpack actionview activejob activemodel activesupport ammeter appraisal arel arr-pm aruba asciidoctor asset_timestamps_cache atomic
  195. gem install awesome_print backports bcat bluecloth permutation sdoc echoe bones bones-rcov rcov spoon hoe-debugging hoe-gemspec http-cookie
  196. gem install net-http-digest_auth cabin capistrano-stats capybara CFPropertyList childprocess clamp closure-compiler
  197. gem install code_statistics coffee-script coffee-script-source colorize contest coveralls crack creole curb delorean descendants_tracker diff-lcs
  198. gem install docile docker-api eco ejs em-http-request erubis eventmachine excon execjs fakefs ffi fission flexmock fog-atmos fog-aws fog-brightbox
  199. gem install fog-core fog-ecloud fog-json fog-profitbricks fog-radosgw fog-riakcs fog-sakuracloud fog-serverlove fog-softlayer
  200. gem install fog-storm_on_demand fog-terremark fog-vmfusion
  201. gem install fog-voxel fog-xml formatador gems gherkin github-markup globalid google-api-client gpg_status_parser guard-rspec haml hashie hike hoe-bundler hoe-doofus
  202. gem install hoe-gemspec2 hoe-git hoe-rubygems hoe-seattlerb hoe-travis http httparty httpclient i18n inflecto insist ipaddress kpeg kramdown launchy less
  203. gem install libnotify liquid loofah mail markaby maruku mechanize midiator mime-types minitest minitest-stub-const mocha multipart-post multi_test multi_xml
  204. gem install net-http-persistent ntlm-http webrobots bacon Platform benchmark-ips mini_portile racc rexical jwt method_source actionmailer
  205. gem install activerecord netrc net-scp net-ssh oauth2 open4 opennebula osrcry patron pry-doc rack rack-protection rack-test radius
  206. gem install rails-deprecated_sanitizer rails-dom-testing rails-html-sanitizer railties sprockets-rails rake-compiler ramaze rb-inotify rbovirt rbvmomi
  207. gem install redcarpet RedCloth ritual rr rspec-core rspec-expectations rspec-its rspec-mocks rspec-rails rspec-support
  208. gem install rubocop ruby-beautify rubyforge rubygems-tasks rubyzip safe_yaml sass session shindo shoulda simplecov spork sprockets sshkit stud
  209. gem install syntax test-unit therubyracer thoughtbot-shoulda thread_safe tilt turn typhoeus tzinfo uglifier unf unf_ext unidecoder unindent vcr webrat
  210. gem install wikicloth yajl-ruby yard yui-compressor ZenTest oauth_bundle neobundle auto_build ro-bundle matebundle
  211. gem install rubygems-sandbox make deb gemcutter rubygems-pwn rubygems-sing gem_plugin rubygems-source rubygems-update update_rubygems nokogiri
  212. gem install rubygems-bundler rubygems-crawler glaze-analyzer query-analyzer pg_query_analyzer
  213. gem install rake hoe actionpack actionview activejob mail rails-dom-testing activemodel
  214. gem install activesupport rack rack-test rails-html-sanitizer builder erubis globalid arel
  215. gem install i18n json minitest thread_safe tzinfo launchy rspec rspec-its ansi detroit qed
  216. gem install ae ergo indexer lemon mast bundler thor rdoc cabin bcat childprocess cucumber
  217. gem install cucumber-pro fuubar kramdown rspec-expectations rubocop coderay haml nokogiri
  218. gem install slim tilt yard yard-tomdoc asset_timestamps_cache thoughtbot-shoulda bacon
  219. gem install bacon-colored_output coveralls json_pure mime-types simplecov guard-rspec
  220. gem install guard-rubocop parser ruby_gntp addressable extlib multi_json appraisal fakefs
  221. gem install sqlite3 little-plugger loquacious rubytest mustache rdiscount ronn amq-protocol
  222. gem install rails parallel rspec-fire capistrano-stats mocha sshkit capistrano ffi
  223. gem install test-construct sinatra coffee-script-source execjs rest-client term-ansicolor
  224. gem install vcr webmock safe_yaml aruba capybara diff-lcs gherkin multi_test ramaze rubyzip
  225. gem install spork syntax test-unit webrat awesome_print unidecoder docile rspec-rails fog
  226. gem install slop capistrano-ext robots chronic hoe-bundler hoe-doofus hoe-gemspec2 hoe-git
  227. gem install hoe-rubygems hoe-travis rubyforge github-markup redcarpet archive-tar-minitar
  228. gem install cane excon pry shoulda unf allison notify delorean eventmachine open4 shindo
  229. gem install minitest-rg multipart-post CFPropertyList docker-api fission fog-atmos fog-aws
  230. gem install fog-brightbox fog-core fog-ecloud fog-json fog-profitbricks fog-radosgw
  231. gem install fog-riakcs fog-sakuracloud fog-serverlove fog-softlayer fog-storm_on_demand
  232. gem install fog-terremark fog-vmfusion fog-voxel fog-xml google-api-client ipaddress
  233. gem install opennebula rbovirt rbvmomi turn inflecto formatador minitest-stub-const net-scp
  234. gem install net-ssh osrcry http-form_data arr-pm backports clamp insist stud mechanize
  235. gem install ruby-progressbar ritual rr html-pipeline nokogiri-diff sanitize
  236. gem install descendants_tracker faraday hashie oauth2 autoparse retriable signet rbench
  237. gem install test_declarative code_statistics hoe-gemspec hoe-seattlerb travis-lint
  238. gem install domain_name multi_xml bluecloth git github_api highline permutation sdoc echoe
  239. gem install itextomml prawn ritex rouge stringex bones bones-rcov rcov spoon reap commonjs
  240. gem install rake-compiler rspec-spies vulcan codeclimate-test-reporter colorize
  241. gem install hoe-debugging fpm http-cookie net-http-digest_auth net-http-persistent
  242. gem install ntlm-http webrobots Platform introspection metaclass benchmark-ips nenv
  243. gem install shellany jwt sawyer ast cliver gauntlet racc simplecov-sublime-ruby-coverage
  244. gem install jeweler method_source latest_ruby brass rulebow bunny logification actionmailer
  245. gem install activerecord railties sprockets-rails rails-deprecated_sanitizer loofah
  246. gem install Remarkably dalli erector ezamar innate liquid locale localmemcache lokar maruku
  247. gem install nagoro rack-contrib redis sass sequel slippers tagz tenjin yui-compressor
  248. gem install ZenTest kpeg netrc pry-doc hpricot rspec-core rspec-mocks flexmock
  249. gem install rspec-support ammeter astrolabe powerpack rainbow ar rspectacular timecop
  250. gem install warning_filter bundler-unload executable-hooks tf octokit httparty gems
  251. gem install gpg_status_parser midiator libnotify rb-inotify guard guard-minitest
  252. gem install shoulda-context shoulda-matchers simplecov-html sprockets rack-protection
  253. gem install temple closure-compiler coffee-script eco ejs hike uglifier unindent gem_hadar
  254. gem install tins jeremymcanally-pending packnga power_assert session atomic RedCloth
  255. gem install asciidoctor contest creole less markaby radius wikicloth yajl-ruby citron hashr
  256. gem install unf_ext nanotest crack curb em-http-request http httpclient patron typhoeus
  258. # gem plugins installer
  259. gem install executable-hooks gem-browse gem-ctags gem-empty gem_info gem-init gem-compare gem-man
  260. gem install gem-nice-install gem-orphan gem-patch gem-toolbox gem-wrappers graph maven_gem open-gem PushSafety
  261. gem install rbenv-rehash rubygems-desc rubygems-openpgp rubygems-sandbox rubygems_snapshot rubygems-tasks
  262. gem install wrapper wrapped qwrapper rapper rafters
  264. echo "Saved dependency needed in home dir"
  265. gem dependency > /home/hynt/dependsgem.txt
  267. #update
  268. gem update --system
  269. update_rubygems    
  270. gem tumble
  271. gem update
  272. rvm install ruby-head-2.0.0 --url https://github.com/github/ruby.git --branch 2.1
  273. #rvm install ruby-head-2.2.0 --url https://github.com/github/ruby.git --branch 2.1
  274. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  276. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  277. #-Plugins Man---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  278. # executable-hooks
  279. # https://github.com/mpapis/executable-hooks
  280. # Extends rubygems to support executables plugins.
  281. # In gem lib dir create rubygems_executable_plugin.rb:
  282. # Gem.execute do |original_file|
  283. # warn("Executing: #{original_file}")
  284. # end
  285. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  286. # gem-browse
  287. # https://github.com/tpope/gem-browse
  288. # Adds four commands:
  289. # gem edit opens a gem in your editor
  290. # gem open opens a gem by name in your editor
  291. # gem clone clones a gem from GitHub
  292. # gem browse opens a gem’s homepage in your browser
  293. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  294. # gem-empty
  295. # https://github.com/rvm/gem-empty
  296. # Adds command gem empty to remove all gems from current GEM_HOME.
  297. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  298. # gem-ctags
  299. # https://github.com/tpope/gem-ctags
  300. # Adds a gem ctags command to invoke the Exuberant Ctags indexer on already-installed gems, and then automatically invokes it on gems as they are installed.
  301. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  302. # gem_info
  303. # https://github.com/oggy/gem_info
  304. # Adds a gem info command with fuzzy matching on name and version. Designed for scripting use.
  305. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  306. # gem-init
  307. # https://github.com/mwhuss/gem-init
  308. # Adds gem init to create a barebones gem.
  309. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  310. # gem-compare
  311. # https://github.com/strzibny/gem-compare
  312. # Adds gem compare command that can help you to track upstream changes in the released .gem files by comparing gemspec values, gemspec and Gemfile dependencies and # # files.
  313. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  314. # gem-man
  315. # https://github.com/defunkt/gem-ma
  316. # The gem man command lets you view a gem’s man page.
  317. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  318. # gem-nice-install
  319. # https://github.com/voxik/gem-nice-install
  320. # Tries to install system dependencies needed to install your gems with binary extensions using standard gem install command.
  321. # This currently works only for Fedora, but # hopefully will be extended.
  322. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  323. # gem-orphan
  324. # https://github.com/sakuro/gem-orphan
  325. # Adds a gem orphan command that finds and lists gems on which no other gems are depending.
  326. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  327. # gem-patch
  328. # https://github.com/strzibny/gem-patch
  329. # Adds gem patch command, which enables you to apply patches directly on .gem files. Supports both RubyGems 1.8 and RubyGems 2.0.
  330. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  331. # gem-toolbox
  332. # https://github.com/gudleik/gem-toolbox
  333. # Adds six commands:
  334. # gem open - opens a gem in your default editor
  335. # gem cd - changes your working directory to the gem’s source root
  336. # gem readme - locates and displays a gem’s readme file
  337. # gem history - locates and display’s a gem’s changelog
  338. # gem doc - Browse a gem’s documentation in your default browser
  339. # gem visit - Open a gem’s homepage in your default browser
  340. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  341. # gem-wrappers
  342. # https://github.com/rvm/gem-wrappers
  343. # Create gem wrappers for easy use of gems in cron and other system locations.
  344. # By default wrappers are installed when a gem is installed.
  345. # Adds this commands:
  346. # gem wrappers regenerate - force rebuilding wrappers for all gem executables
  347. # gem wrappers - show current configuration
  348. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  349. # graph
  350. # https://github.com/seattlerb/graph
  351. # Adds a gem graph command to output a gem dependency graph in graphviz’s dot format.
  352. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  353. # maven_gem
  354. # https://github.com/jruby/maven_gem
  355. # Adds gem maven to install any Maven-published Java library as though it were a gem.
  356. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  357. # open_gem
  358. # https://github.com/adamsanderson/open_gem
  359. # Adds two commands:
  360. # gem open opens a gem in your default editor
  361. # gem read opens a gem’s rdoc in your default browser
  362. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  363. # PushSafety
  364. # https://github.com/jdleesmiller/push_safety
  365. # Applies a whitelist to gem push to prevent accidentally pushing private gems to the public RubyGems repository.
  366. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  367. # rbenv-rehash
  368. # https://github.com/scoz/rbenv-rehash
  369. # Automatically runs rbenv rehash after installing or uninstalling gems.
  370. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  371. # rubygems-desc
  372. # https://github.com/chad/rubygems-desc
  373. # Adds gem desc to describe a gem by name.
  374. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  375. # rubygems-openpgp
  376. # https://github.com/grant-olson/rubygems-openpgp
  377. # Adds commands and flags to allow OpenPGP signing of gems.
  378. # gem sign foo.gem to sign a gem.
  379. # gem verify foo.gem --trust to verify a gem.
  380. # gem build foo.gemspec --sign to sign at build time.
  381. # gem install foo --verify --trust to verify on install.
  382. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  383. # rubygems-sandbox
  384. # https://github.com/seattlerb/rubygems-sandbox
  385. # Manages command-line gem tools and dependencies with a gem sandbox command.
  386. # This lets you install things like flay and rdoc outside of the global rubygems repository.
  387. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  388. # rubygems_snapshot
  389. # https://github.com/rogerleite/rubygems_snapshot
  390. # Adds gem snapshot to create exports of all your current gems into a single file that you can import later.
  391. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  392. # rubygems-tasks
  393. # https://github.com/postmodern/rubygems-tasks
  394. # rubygems-tasks provides agnostic and unobtrusive Rake tasks for building, installing and releasing Ruby Gems.
  395. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  397. #repair
  398. rvm repair environments
  399. rvm repair symlinks
  400. rvm repair archives
  401. rvm repair all
  403. #offline installer gem files
  404. gem install -i /home/hynt/tmp/ cucumber -v 0.10.7
  405. gem install -f --local /home/hynt/tmp/*.gem
  407. # Temp - Not get tested..........................................
  408. #Specify your dependencies in a Gemfile in your project's root:
  410. #source 'https://rubygems.org'
  411. #gem 'nokogiri'
  412. #gem 'rack', '~>1.1'
  413. #gem 'rspec', :require => 'spec'
  415. #bundle install
  416. #git add Gemfile Gemfile.lock
  417. #require 'rubygems'
  418. #require 'bundler/setup'
  419. #require 'nokogiri'
  421. #bundle exec rspec spec/models
  423. #However, this is unreliable and is the source of considerable pain. Even if it looks like it works, it may not work in the future or on another machine.
  424. #Finally, if you want a way to get a shortcut to gems in your bundle:
  426. #bundle install --binstubs
  427. #bin/rspec spec/model

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