torsdag 29 januari 2015

Tigertext - raderar automatiskt utgående sms efter en begränsad tid – både i din egen mobil och den du skickar hemliga meddelanden till."

"Ännu en applikation för mobiltelefonen Iphone har sett dagens ljus. Tigertext, döpt efter den otrogne golfstjärnan, raderar automatiskt utgående sms efter en begränsad tid – både i din egen mobil och den du skickar hemliga meddelanden till"

Secretly Meet - utan att lämna några spår utbyts (text, länkar, videor, bilder och mer).

Skapa tillfälliga webbsidor som finns upp till
när din webbläsare är öppen och ansluten till internet.

Vad du kan göra med denna app?

* Skapa en tillfällig virtuellt rum som förstörs efter användning 
* Göra en chatt 
* Publicera bilder från webbkamera 
* Publicera bilder som du har lagrat i minnet 
* placera länkar från webbplatser eller videoklipp 
* Strömmande mp3 eller mp4-filer från webbadresser 
* Ta bort allt snabbt 

onsdag 28 januari 2015

LINUX - Fix "Cannot add PPA. Please check that the PPA name or format is correct" And Other CA-Certificates Related Issues In Ubuntu

| Date: Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Yesterday I encountered an issue in Ubuntu related to CA-certificates which resulted in errors when trying to add PPA repositories, cloning GIT repositories and more and I decided to make an article on how to fix these issues in Ubuntu, in case you run into the same issue.

Here's what happened. Firstly, I tried adding a PPA via command line, and this was the output:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java[sudo] password for andrei: Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:webupd8team/java'.Please check that the PPA name or format is correct.

add-apt-repository ca-certificates error

The PPA name was definitely correct and I wasn't using any proxies so I had no idea what could be wrong at that point. Then I tried to add the PPA via Software Sources (called "Software & Updates" in newer Ubuntu versions). That didn't work either.

Then (it may seem unrelated but it actually wasn't) I tried to clone a Git (GitHub) repository and the following error was displayed:
fatal: unable to access '': server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none
Thanks to this error message I figured out that there was something wrong with CA certificates (the "ca-certificates" package includes PEM files of CA certificates to allow SSL-based applications to check for the authenticity of SSL connections). For some reason, the CA certificates on my system were broken or missing.

The fix is rather simple and it only requires reinstalling ca-certificates. So to fix it, use the following command:
sudo apt-get install --reinstall ca-certificates
Reinstalling ca-certificates (the command above) fixed both adding PPAs ("add-apt-repository" command) as well as cloning GIT repositories, among others.

LINUX - How To List Packages From A PPA / Repository In Ubuntu

A few weeks ago, we saw how to find out to which PPA / repository a package belongs to in Ubuntu / Debian. But how about getting a list of packages available in a PPA / repository?


To get a list of packages available in a PPA / repository enabled on your system (if the repository is disabled or not added on your system, it won't show up here), firstly install Synaptic if you haven't already:

sudo apt-get install synaptic

(or install Synaptic GTK3)

Then open Synaptic, select "Origin" on the bottom left, then select a PPA or repository on the left and it should list all packages in that PPA / repository for your Ubuntu version, both installed and not installed:

Synaptic origin

In the latest Synaptic built with GTK3, there are two entries for each PPA here, one that uses "/now" at the end, which displays the packages you've installed from a repository and another one which displays all the packages available in that repository.

Important: if the exact same package (including the package version) exists in two or more PPAs / repositories, it will only be listed for one repository entry in Synaptic. That's why I've added other ways of doing this (see below), which list all the packages, even if the package exists in other PPAs / repositories.

Command line

You can also do this using a command like the one below, but this will only list the package names, without any additional info (no version, description, etc.):
awk '$1 == "Package:" { if (a[$2]++ == 0) print $2; }' /var/lib/apt/lists/*PPA-FIRST-PART*PPA-SECOND-PART*Packages

where "PPA-FIRST-PART" is the first part of a PPA, e.g. for the ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 PPA, "PPA-FIRST-PART" is "nilarimogard" and "PPA-SECOND-PART" is "webupd8".

Let's try it out:
awk '$1 == "Package:" { if (a[$2]++ == 0) print $2; }' /var/lib/apt/lists/*nilarimogard*webupd8*Packages

And here's the terminal output:

list packages ppa terminal

(I've tweaked the original command - see the credits -, to remove duplicate lines which would occur on 64bit systems with multi-arch support).

This works for regular repositories too, e.g. to see all the packages available in the proposed repository:
awk '$1 == "Package:" { if (a[$2]++ == 0) print $2; }' /var/lib/apt/lists/*proposed*Packages

Or, to see the packages available in the security multiverse repository:
awk '$1 == "Package:" { if (a[$2]++ == 0) print $2; }' /var/lib/apt/lists/*security*multiverse*Packages

Using Y PPA Manager

Y PPA Manager, a small application I've created, can list all the packages available in each PPA added on your system. It doesn't work with regular repositories (just Launchpad PPAs) though and the PPA needs to be enabled on your system for this to work. So it's not perfect.

But there are advantages over Synaptic / the command above:
  • unlike Synaptic, it lists all the packages in a PPA, even if the exact same package (exact version) is available in multiple PPAs;
  • unlike the command above, Y PPA Manager displays the package version next to the package name.

List packages PPA Y PPA Manager

To lists all the packages in a PPA, install Y PPA Manager:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/y-ppa-manager
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install y-ppa-manage

Then launch Y PPA Manager, double click "Manage PPAs", select the PPA and click "List packages".

some info via AskUbuntu & UsemosLinux

LINUX - How To Find Out To Which PPA Repository A Package Belongs To

There are various reasons why you may need to find out to which PPA a package belongs to, for instance, in case a package in a PPA breaks something on your system, if you want to install a package which is already installed on your computer on some other machine but you don't know the PPA you've used to install it and so on.

So here's a quick tip on how to find out to which PPA a package belongs to. 

To find out the PPA to which a package belongs to, simply run the following command in a terminal:
apt-cache policy PACKAGE_NAME
replacing "PACKAGE_NAME" with the package you want to find out the PPA for.

apt-cache policy oracle-java7-installer

Here's how the command output looks like:

apt-cache pollicy

As you can see, the command output displays the PPA url, which, right after "" contains the PPA you've used to install the package ("webupd8team/java" in my example above).

This, of course, also works with packages from the official Ubuntu repositories as well as packages from non-Launchpad repositories. For instance, here's how the output of "apt-cache policy opera" looks like (Opera is installed through its own repository):

apt-cache pollicy

If the repository url is missing, it means you've installed the deb manually, not through a repository (and the package is not available in any repository on your system) or that the repository has been disabled or removed after the package installation.

LINUX - Get Rid Of PPA "404 Not Found" Messages When Running "apt-get update"

If you type the wrong PPA address when adding a PPA or you add a PPA that doesn't provide packages for your Ubuntu version, you'll get a "404 Not Found" error message when running "apt-get update".

These errors are pretty much harmless (though they probably slow down "apt-get update" a bit) but if you want to get rid of them anyway, you must disable the PPAs that cause the 404 errors via Software Sources. If you want an easier, automated way to disable the PPAs that cause these errors, give "fix404" a try.

"fix404" is a simple script that checks for "404 not found" messages for all the PPAs added to your software sources and prompts you to disable them:

Fix404 PPA errors

"fix404" will prompt twice for each PPA - that's because it needs to disable both the binary and the source line.

By the way, if you want to check which Ubuntu versions are supported by each PPA you've added, use "checklp".


The "fix404" PPA is only available for Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal - add it and install it using the commands below:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:lkjoel/fix404sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install fix404

For other Ubuntu versions, you can download the .deb file from HERE.

To use "fix404", run the following command in a terminal:
sudo fix404

Update: the last command is required because I've found a bug in this script (the permission of the modified .list files is changed). I've reported the bug so hopefully it will be fixed. The bug has been fixed. In case you've ran fix404 before the fix and get an Update Manager error, run this command in a terminal: "sudo chmod 644 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*".

Also see: Launchpad-Getkeys, a tool to automatically import all missing PPA GPG keys.

Thanks to lkubuntu for the script

LINUX - Remove PPA Repositories Via Command Line

You probably know that starting with Ubuntu Karmic

you can add a Launchpad PPA using a simple command:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:THE_PPA
Where "THE_PPA" is the Personal Package Archive you want to add, for instance ubuntu-mozilla-daily, etc.To also remove a PPA via command line, there is a .deb file (download link at the end of the post)
you can install, which will allow you to remove a PPA using this command:
sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory>

For instance, to remove the ubuntu-mozilla-daily PPA:
sudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa

If the PPA is a subdirectory of another PPA:
sudo ppa-purge ppa:tualatrix/gloobus

(this is just an example)
This script will remove the PPA repository, removes the packages you installed from that PPA and install the packages from the official Ubuntu repositories.

Download the PPA-PURGE package.

[via Anxurweb]

VANLIGT BOKMÄRKE - Delar sidan du är på till:

Skapa ett bokmärke på din toolbar och istället för använda
en vanligt länk ska vi använda oss av ett javascript

tomrummet ersätter du men vilken tjänst du ska
url skickad till med andra ord den sida som du är inne på

så du kommer bara behöva besöka låt oss säga
sedan klicka på ditt bokmärke 0ch url skickas vidare..
för exemepelvis delas ut på facebook eller göra den till en kortare länk

javascript:void(location.href=' '+encodeURIC


"Lyckades få start-meyn att försvinna...
Och att få tillbaka den verkade omöjligt...
med hjälp av terminalen löste sig allt lyckligt"

$ sudo update-menus -v
$ sudo rm .kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc

Höger klicka på skrivbordet:

1. [Lägg Till Panel]
2. [Tom Panel]




Läsa och följa – RSS och bokmärkestjänster

, , ,
På internet finns det miljontals sidor och vissa vill du kanske ha mer koll på än andra och till detta har det förstås utvecklas olika hjälpmedel. Några av dessa kommer vi att titta närmare på under veckan.
Bokmärken i webbläsaren Det enklaste sättet att komma ihåg en webbsida, som nog de flesta använder sig av, är att skapa ett bokmärke i webbläsaren. Möjlighet att skapa att spara adressen till en webbsida fanns redan med i de första webbläsarna. Det finns lite olika funktioner för hur man kan organisera bokmärkena, t.ex. går de att sortera i mappar eller så kan man välja att visa dem i rampen överst i fönstret för att lätta nå dem man använder mest. Men det går att göra ett bokmärke lite mera interaktivt:

8 Online Services to Send Messages that Auto Delete after Reading

8 Online Services to Send Messages that Auto Delete after Reading
Updated by HAL9000 - 2 years ago - Online Services

Sometimes you might have a need to send an email to somebody but you don't want it to remain on their computer, for security or personal reasons. Unfortunately, it just isn't possible using the normal emailing system to send an email to somebody and have it auto delete itself after they have read it or after a certain period of time, just think of the kinds of security issues that would bring.
Although you can't do it with your normal emails, there is an alternative which is basically the next best option. That is to use a secure web service where you can leave your message, then you email and send a unique link for the message to the other user and they can visit the webpage and view what's written. The link and the message both expire after viewing or a set period of time meaning your message never existed.

söndag 25 januari 2015

LINUX - Gamepad Mapper antimicro

AntiMicro is a graphical program used to map keyboard keys and mouse controls
to a gamepad. This program is useful for playing PC games using a gamepad that
do not have any form of built-in gamepad support. However, you can use this
program to control any desktop application with a gamepad; on Linux, this
means that your system has to be running an X environment in order to run
this program. This program is currentl

y supported under various Linux
distributions, Windows (Vista and later), and FreeBSD. At the time of writing
this, AntiMicro works in Windows XP but, since Windows XP is no longer
supported, running the program in Windows XP will not be officially supported.
However, efforts will be made to not intentionally break compatibility
with Windows XP.

Also, FreeBSD support will be minimal for now. I don't use BSD on
a daily basis so the main support for FreeBSD is being offered by Anton. He
has graciously made a port of antimicro for FreeBSD that you can find
at the following URL:


Halebop Surf - Tanka på ditt kontantkort med SMS

Modem Manager GUI

lördag 24 januari 2015

Linux - Run Command As Another User


Join the discussion…


    Where does runuser come from? None of my boxes seem to have it.


    god doc :)
    runuser is good ...
    we can use it in script
    #!/sbin/runuser username


    A caution about using runuser: Any command executed with runuser gets
    placed in the background by default. This means multiple runuser
    commands ran one after the other will each run in parallel. Use the -l
    (minus el) option to force runuser to run the command inside a shel, and
    thus wait for it to finish.


    Just a tip: When issuing the runuser command I usually use the -c
    option, and I always use double quotes instead of single quotes around
    the command to be ran. This allows me to use single quotes within the
    double-quoted command to pass a quoted argument.
    For example, the following will not work because of nested single quotes:
    runuser -l fred -c 'find /foo/foobar -name '*.txt''
    (two single quotes at the end of the line)
    This example uses double quotes and it works fine:
    runuser -l fred -c "find /foo/foobar -name '*.txt'"
    (a double-quote before "find", single quotes around '*.txt' and a double quote at the end of the line)
    you want to know WHY this works, the shell processes command lines with
    double quotes twice. The first pass lets the interpreter know that
    anything within double quotes is an argument and that any single quotes
    within the double qutes are to be taken literally.


    Best doc.


    I personnaly use the su - -c as an administrator, but the sudo is a very handy tool for end-users when correctly configured.


    I often use
    sudo -u USERNAME -i
    sudo -u USERNAME -s

    to switch different user and then run my commands as that user.

  • Avatar

    $ rpm -qf /sbin/runuser

LINUX - Säkerhetskopiera och återställa installerade paket på Debian / Ubuntu

Om du vill installera datorn och vill installera samma paket efter ominstallation av operativsystemet
kan du enkelt göra det med dpkg. Först måste vi säkerhetskopiera listan över paket till en fil och
sedan installera om operativsystemet vi

I detta exempel kommer också
säkerhetskopiera / etc / apt / sources.list och / etc / apt /
sources.list.d katalog som de innehåller en förteckning över
lagringsplatser som du installerade paket.

spar en förteckning över installerade paket och databaslistan till en tar-arkiv

OBS.. Gå in på root mappen och se till att du är "root"

~/packages; cp -R /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
~/packages/; dpkg --get-selections > ~/packages/package.list; tar
cPvzf ~/packages-`date +%Y-%m-%d`.tar.gz ~/packages/; rm -rf ~/packages/

Nu bör du ha en paket-DATE.tar.gz arkiv under din
root-användarens hemkatalog (/ root /) innehåller en förteckning över
paket och arkiv.

Återställa listan över installerade paket och databaslistan från tar-arkiv:

Efter ominstallation ladda upp paket-DATE.tar.gz arkiv till roten s användarens
hemkatalog (/ root /) och kör följande kommando:

~/packages; tar xPvzf ~/packages-*.tar.gz; cp ~/packages/sources.list
/etc/apt/sources.list; cp ~/packages/sources.list.d/*
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/;apt-get update; dpkg --set-selections <
~/packages/package.list; apt-get install --yes dselect; dselect update;
apt-get dselect-upgrade

Detta kommer att installera alla paket som du hade vid tiden för säkerhetskopieringen.


packages-2013-05-07.tar_0.gz_links"placeras i root mappen"64bitar's Mint 14

Linux problem med X kör mitt script

Linux Bash Thunderbird Mailer From Blogspot

Linux Installer Spotify, Audio-Recorder, Picard Spotify till mp3 gratis

Remove ads, suggested post & page on facebook.

QCLean - Remove ads, suggested post & page on facebook.|Av qcl

fredag 23 januari 2015

Stylish snygga till Facebook och massa andra med läckra skins firefox addon

Stylish för FIREFOX Byter utseende för dina sajter exempelvis google, facebook osv det är så enkelt att tom ett barn kan klara av det.Du kan även skräddarsy Firefox och andra program själv [installera addon]

Klicka här för besöka MONSTER
Ett klick så får din facebook ett nytt utseende

Facebook themes

Fler Facebook themes och skins - 


Facebook är blir med tiden mycket tråkigt jag rekommenderar 

MONSTER Energy by -Royal-Style- 

Att tänka på att inte aktivera flera utseende samtidigt för det brukar bli lite grötigt.. men givetvis kan du installera och välja just din favorit för sedan byta när du känner för det..

Linux MakeSelfInstaller Linux Install Creator 4 your files 2015-02-04
 To install sh in terminal
if running in normal way is impossible.
Like in Linux Mint Mate 17.1 

"By the way makedeb is in the package
all downloaded *.deb files to 1 install file"

is a small shell script that generates a self-extractable tar.gz archive from a directory. The resulting file appears as a shell script (many of those have a .run suffix), and can be launched as is. The archive will then uncompress itself to a temporary directory and an optional arbitrary command will be executed (for example an installation script). This is pretty similar to archives generated with WinZip Self-Extractor in the Windows world. Makeself archives also include

Linux Copy File Command [ cp Command Examples ]

by nixCraft on May 29, 2006 · 15 comments· LAST UPDATED September 14, 2011

in AIX, BASH Shell, FreeBSD
ow do I copy files under Linux operating systems? How do I make 2nd copy of a file?

To copy files and directories use the cp command under Linux, UNIX, and BSD like operating systems. cp is the command entered in a Unix / Linux shell to copy a file from one place to another, possibly on a different filesystem. The original file remains unchanged, and the new file may have the same or a different name.

Facebook - Förhindra intrång vid inloggning få ett sms

 SMS om någon loggar in på mitt konto


firefox Glömt lösenord. ********* syns och ett klick läsbart

Om du glömt ditt lösenord eller är intresserad av säkerhet
du ska givetvis inte använda kunskapen till göra intrång
på andras konton ex  mail sociala media.. fast det är lockande..
gör du intrång utan någons tillstånd skriv på deras profil eller privat till dom hur dom kan hidra att det händer i framtiden och då kanske någon har onda avsikter.

Skapa nytt bokmärke på din toolbar,
använd exempelvis namnet "Show Password"


javascript:(function(){var s,F,j,f,i; s = %22%22; F = document.forms; for(j=0; j<F.length; ++j) { f = F[j]; for (i=0; i<f.length; ++i) { if (f[i].type.toLowerCase() == %22password%22) s += f[i].value + %22\n%22; } } if (s) alert(%22Passwords in forms on this page:\n\n%22 + s); else alert(%22There are no passwords in forms on this page.%22);})();

När du kommer in på en sida där du inte ser lösenordet men bara massa sjärnor så tryck på Show Password Vipps nu visar en popup vilket lösenord som är dolt. Detta kan användas när man glömt sitt lösenord men även för undervisning hur viktigt det är att inte spara sina lösenord i firefox om man inte har satt ett "använd huvudlösenord" Jag rekommenderar att du använder LastPass som är ett addon till firefox som håller koll på alla dina lösenord och som skyddas av ett lösenord.

Det där kanske kändes lite otäckt finns flera sätt skydda sig mot att någon utsätter dig för detta när weblässaren frågar om den ska minnas dej tryck nej på offenliga platser ex när du är i skolan.. är du hemma och vill skydda dig kan man använda av firefox egna huvudlösenord. vilket fungerar så att alla lösenord **** och användarnamn som sparas inte går att få åtgång till om man inte kan master password "en ruta som vid start frågar efter ditt lösenord" slår man in korrekt får du tillgång till allt och slipper därmed skriva in allt för hand gång på gång. sitter du därimot i skolan eller på jobbet och vill skydda dig se ovan för länk till LastPass..


hoppas det gick att läsa detta lite slarvigt skrivit... lycka till

Nedanstående borde inte behövas men fungerade inte annars för mig

Det borde räcka men av någon annledning var jag tvungen att disable sparande av webb historik.. vet inte om det beror på att jag sitter på linux eller om någon av mina många addon ställde till det.. nu hoppar iaf en fråga fram när man besöker vald url som frågar om huvudlösenord och vid fel matas inte password ut..

torsdag 22 januari 2015 - send notes that will self-destruct


Is it possible to see a recently read note using the history of the browser, the back button or the recently closed tabs feature?

The note self-destructs after being read; there is no way to re-read it once it has been read.