torsdag 4 juli 2013

tisdag 2 juli 2013

Locate location of an IP address or a domain.

IP Location

Locate location of an IP address or a domain.

linux - How to Encrypt Your Home Folder After Installing Ubuntu

Ubuntu offers to encrypt your home folder during installation. If you decline the encryption and change your mind later, you don’t have to reinstall Ubuntu. You can activate the encryption with a few terminal commands.
Ubuntu uses eCryptfs for encryption. When you log in, your home directory is automatically decrypted with your password. While there is a performance penalty to encryption, it can keep private data confidential, particularly on laptops that may be stolen.

Linux - Why Linux Doesn’t Need Defragmenting

If you’re a Linux user, you’ve probably heard that you don’t need to defragment your Linux file systems. You’ll also notice that Linux distributions don’t come with disk-defragmenting utilities. But why is that?
To understand why Linux file systems don’t need defragmenting in normal use – and Windows ones do – you’ll need to understand why fragmentation occurs and how Linux and Windows file systems work differently from each other.

Örtskolan del 1

måndag 1 juli 2013

Linux - installera Wine 1,5

Ubuntu Logo Wine for Ubuntu and Ubuntu derivatives Ubuntu Logo

Ubuntu and Ubuntu derivatives (such as Kubuntu) obtain software from packages which are stored in repositories. Ubuntu's default repository includes Wine, however if you want to stay up to date with the latest Wine package you can use WineHQ's by following these instructions.

AcoustID - picard

Chromaprint | AcoustID

RhythmboxPlugins/ThirdParty - GNOME Wiki!

This page contains links to third party plugins for Rhythmbox. If you have your own, or know of any others, please add them here. For information on plugins included with Rhythmbox, look at RhythmboxPlugins. If you are interested in writing your own plugins, please look at RhythmboxPlugins/WritingGuide to get started.